there is a little hobbit in all of us desperately trying to get off the shire....
Friday, December 11, 2009
when message and medium colide try on a little contextualization for size
Look at the dichotomy above. I tend to agree with the message of corduroy girl on the right. Nevertheless, I find myself laughing with holier-than-thou denim man on the left. A few things strike me about this photo:
1. This is the way the world views us. Odd, outdated and out of place. Willing to fight but not to love. Preaching at people rather than talking with them. Part of a different community.
2. We some times let method get in the way of message. I remember going to NYC for a mission trip and passing a man who was in the median of the highway holding up a "Jn 3:16" sign. He had the right message, but how many people's lives were changed by the sign. Could he have been more effective with the same (well, flesh it out some first) message but in a different format. One time I went to a pagan pride fest. There were hundreds of Christian (presumably) protesters. You learned a few things from their signs: they were angry these people were here, they wanted them to go, they thought these people were wrong, and they were angry with them. Since I brought no sign, they let me through the front door. I talked with many people face to face about real life issues and how to answer them. I was able to present the gospel with several participants. Who was more effective? Who was heard? In spite of all of their shouting, the protesters were ignored. They did manage to accomplish one thing, they made "Christianity" look ugly, hateful, and dumb.
3. She is in corduroy.... There is nothing inherently wrong with it, but she looks odd to the world. Do you think she would be received differently if she were to put the sign down, dress in a culturally normative way, get involved in peoples' lives, and spread the gospel? My glowing description of this alternative betrays my own thoughts on the topic.
4. Probably no one was changed in the slightest by the sign. I doubt any gay in America wonders what evangelicals think about their lifestyle. All gays know that we disprove and think that they are in sin. They are probably even familiar with the fact that the Bible calls homosexuality a sin. So what is her purpose? What is she accomplishing? I can't imagine any gay walking by, seeing the sign, and deciding that it is time to change.
We have to stop tract bombing, Christian mugging and protest evangelism. They are going to get us exactly where they have always have: nowhere!
Posted by
3:06 PM
Christian mugging,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
detroit: how migration changes a city
Migration in and out of cities is a fascinating phenomenon. From the early 1900's forward, there has been a massive influx into urban centers in the US. Some of this has come through immigration. Much of it has been a result of industrialization; the improvement in farm implements did not require the same workforce to run a farm, at the same time the cities were opening factories. During WWII, over half a million African Americans migrated to northern cities to fill jobs which were being vacated by men leaving for war. This created, almost overnight, places like Chicago's south side, and New York's Harlem. In influx of African Americans into cities, sparked what sociologists call white flight. Suburbs are the result of white flight. This left most major urban centers as predominantly African American. While urban centers continue to grow--at least in the sun-belt cities--there has been a push since the late 70's to move to the suburbs and back out to smaller towns. The influx of technology jobs (as industrial jobs are sent overseas) provided the means for this migration out of the city.
Detroit has seen exaggerated forms of all of these eras of migration, the most devastating of which has been white flight and the current down turn in the economy. Detroit has shrunk by half its population over the past decade or so. Over one third of all homes in the city are vacant. The entire state is expected to fall below 10 million in population. This exodus out of the city has sparked a major crisis for city leaders as they are trying to operate the same services for the same size city, geographically, with half of the tax base. The city is facing a 15.3% unemployment rate and is suffering from a 2.8 billion dollar deficit.
Rather than looking to the federal government for a bailout (it is arguable that government has been a major contributor to the problems in Detroit), they should look to innovators, individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit and hard work ethic, organic solutions (a government prop up will only prolong the bleeding not stop it), and private investors (when money is needed--though judicious government should be used to prevent speculation).
One such group of innovators is the Catherine Ferguson Academy. They are providing education to young pregnant mothers, who would otherwise have to drop out. While they only provide services for 300 of Detroit's 3,000 young pregnant mothers, they have a phenomenal graduation rate of 90%. They have reappropriated some school grounds have have turned it into a working garden. The women are taught how to grow fruit and vegetables and then turn and sell their produce. Aside from teaching them valuable job skills which can feed their family, they are learning self reliability and responsibility. Two filmmakers have put together a documentary showcasing the school. I highly recommend that you take an hour and watch this video.
One of the solutions to the problem of waning tax base and a vacatant city, some have proposed shrinking the size of the city's footprint. This is a great idea. The word self-sustaining needs to be in everyone's vocabulary. Some have proposed using vacant lots for gardens like the Academies'. It is no small irony that in the cycle of migration that the rural and the urban are now going to be mixed to one degree or another.
What can we learn? Do you have a city with urban poor? Rather than build your next church building or campus, why not buy some unused plot of land in your city. Find the people in your church who are just sitting on pews with skills in gardening and husbandry. Start a working community farm. This demonstrates your genuine concern for being a blessing to your community. You are giving people the skills and dignity to take care of themselves. The people in your church will see an direct connection between your church and your community.
Otherwise, we end up looking like the typical Americans and they typical Christians who tithe to themselves.
Here is a funny video:
Detroit has seen exaggerated forms of all of these eras of migration, the most devastating of which has been white flight and the current down turn in the economy. Detroit has shrunk by half its population over the past decade or so. Over one third of all homes in the city are vacant. The entire state is expected to fall below 10 million in population. This exodus out of the city has sparked a major crisis for city leaders as they are trying to operate the same services for the same size city, geographically, with half of the tax base. The city is facing a 15.3% unemployment rate and is suffering from a 2.8 billion dollar deficit.
Rather than looking to the federal government for a bailout (it is arguable that government has been a major contributor to the problems in Detroit), they should look to innovators, individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit and hard work ethic, organic solutions (a government prop up will only prolong the bleeding not stop it), and private investors (when money is needed--though judicious government should be used to prevent speculation).
One such group of innovators is the Catherine Ferguson Academy. They are providing education to young pregnant mothers, who would otherwise have to drop out. While they only provide services for 300 of Detroit's 3,000 young pregnant mothers, they have a phenomenal graduation rate of 90%. They have reappropriated some school grounds have have turned it into a working garden. The women are taught how to grow fruit and vegetables and then turn and sell their produce. Aside from teaching them valuable job skills which can feed their family, they are learning self reliability and responsibility. Two filmmakers have put together a documentary showcasing the school. I highly recommend that you take an hour and watch this video.
One of the solutions to the problem of waning tax base and a vacatant city, some have proposed shrinking the size of the city's footprint. This is a great idea. The word self-sustaining needs to be in everyone's vocabulary. Some have proposed using vacant lots for gardens like the Academies'. It is no small irony that in the cycle of migration that the rural and the urban are now going to be mixed to one degree or another.
What can we learn? Do you have a city with urban poor? Rather than build your next church building or campus, why not buy some unused plot of land in your city. Find the people in your church who are just sitting on pews with skills in gardening and husbandry. Start a working community farm. This demonstrates your genuine concern for being a blessing to your community. You are giving people the skills and dignity to take care of themselves. The people in your church will see an direct connection between your church and your community.
Otherwise, we end up looking like the typical Americans and they typical Christians who tithe to themselves.
Here is a funny video:
Posted by
4:21 PM
Catherine Ferguson Academy,
Grown in Detroit,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
ploughshares vs. colbert
This has to be one of the funnies things I have seen in a long time.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Better Know a Lobby - Ploughshares Fund | |||| | ||||
holiday cheer
Here are two videos for everyone who thinks I am a scrooge.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
i want to be like Lot when i grow up
Check out my latest post. The guys at sbcIMPACT! asked me to put up a guest post.
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