Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have been off of here for a while.  I will put in the third installment of the extraction series shortly.  In the mean time, here is some great stuff from friends.

We only play with other Christians, and if we’re not on a sales-call (time of evangelism) we’re mentally off. So when we show up at some poor guys house to do a survey, thank him for visiting church, or whatever it is we do all we’re presenting is a message….a message the person has never had a chance to see fleshed out. So unfair…anyone in marketing knows that a good product is contagious when you see it in action. You play someone’s wii and you have to have one, you ride in their Mini-Cooper and it becomes your dream car. We’re asking people to buy into something they haven’t seen in action. I know that proclamation is vital….but it has to be partnered with us living out our faith with people, living with them, playing with them. When we do this they can see and touch the results of a transformed life.  From Grady Bauer

Here is a great video on the unreached via JD Greear

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